Noah's Ark Blanket  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Hey y'all I finally have the internet back! it seems like its been forever. Please let your friends know that I'm back. :)

This Blanket I made for my Nephew. I got the pattern from Crochet! May 2008 but i made improvments. :) Thanks to all who wanted this pattern, but do to computer problems, I can't send out the pattern anymore...sorry!

Rae Byuel

My Move  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Hey y'all,
As y'all know i am in the middle of moving, and my computer with all the photos of my crochet projects, is at the other house. So i won't be able to post for a little while. I'll try to post as soon as my computer is up and running, in the mean time if you need any books to read check out

Till My Next Post,
Rae Byuel

Hey Y'all!!  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Hey I hope everyone has a great 4th of July!! I'm spending it w/my family. I have no idea what we're going to do but at least we'll be together. I'm srry if I dont post much in the next month, but i'm moving, so i'm in the middle of packing, and unpacking. I hope to blog when I have the chance!

Enjoy the rest of your summer!!

Rae Byuel

4Th of July Afghan Pattern  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
SIZE: One Size 49 inches x 72 inches

Each square measure 4½ inches (11 cm) across. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE.
SOLID COLOR SQUARES - Make 104 with A and 24 with BCh 6. Join with slip st to form ring.
Rnd 1 (RS) Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 2 dc in ring, ch 2, (3 dc in ring, ch 2) 3 times. Join with slip st to top of ch-3.
Rnd 2 Turn work and slip st in first ch-2 space, ch 3, 2 dc in same space, * ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next ch-2 space (corner made); repeat from * twice more, ch 1, 3 dc in first space, ch 2 and join to top of ch-3 to complete first corner.
Rnd 3 Turn work and slip st in first ch-2 space, ch 3, ch 3, 2 dc in same space, * ch 1, 3 dc in next ch-1 space, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next corner space, repeat from * twice more, ch 1, 3 dc in next space, ch 1, 3 dc in first corner space, ch 2. Join to top of ch-3. Fasten off.
TWO-COLOR SQUARES - Make 48 with B and C
With C, ch 6. Join with slip st to form ring. Note To change colors within rnd, drop color not in use on wrong side of work. Do not work over it or fasten off unless specified.

Rnd 1 (RS)Ch 3 (counts as first dc), 2 dc in ring, ch 2, 3 dc in ring, ch 1, drop C; attach B and with B, ch 1, (3 dc in ring, ch 2) twice. Join with slip st to top of ch-3.
Rnd 2 Turn work, slip st in first space, ch 3, 2 dc in same space, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next space, ch 1, 3 dc in next space, ch 1, drop B; pick up C and with C, ch 1, 3 dc in same space, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next space, ch 1, 3 dc in first space, ch 2 and join to top of ch-3 to complete first corner.
Rnd 3 Turn work, slip st in first space, ch 3, 2 dc in same space, * ch 1, 3 dc in next space, ch 1, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next corner space, ch 1, 3 dc in next space, ch 1, 3 dc in next corner space **, ch 1, drop C; pick up B and with B, ch 1, 3 dc in same corner space, repeat from * to **, ch 2 and join to top of ch-3 to complete first corner. Fasten off B and C.
Weave in yarn ends. Lay out squares, following diagram and carefully placing 2-color squares to form star points as shown. Matching stitches, sew adjoining edges of squares together, through back loops only, with matching yarn. Edging With right side of afghan facing you, using A, crochet a row of sc around edge, working 3 sc at each corner.