Materials: RH Royal Blue, White, Cherry Red; Crochet hook Size H or size needed for gauge.
Square Size: 12 inch
Instructions: Joining new Color: At end of row work new color through last two loops of last st on row.
Round 1: With Color Royal Blue, Ch 4, Into first ch work ( 3 dc, ch 2) 4 times. Join with a sl st in top of ch 4. Sl st to next ch 2 sp.
Round 2: Ch 3, ( dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. * Dc in each dc across to next ch 2 sp. In corner ch 2 sp work ( 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc). Dc in each dc across. Continue from * around. Join with a sl st in top of ch 3. Sl st to next ch 2 sp..
Rounds 3 - 7: Repeat Round 2. FO Blue.
Round 1:
With White and Size H hook make loop, ch 1, 15 sc. Join with a sl st in first sc. Draw loop shut. Weave end securely with a tapestry needle.
Round 2:
* Ch 6, sl st in 2nd chain from hook. In next chs work sc, hdc, dc and trc. Sk 2 sts, sl st in next sc. Continue from * around. 5 star points. Leave a long tail for sewing. Sew star to center of blue square
Row 8: Join Red with a sl st in corner ch 2 sp. Ch 1, sc in same sp and in each st across to corner. Work 3 sc in corner, sc across to next corner, work sc, ch 1 turn.
Row 9: Sc across, working 3 sc in center sc of 3 sc. Sc across to last st. Drop Red. (Do not FO), join White in last part of last sc. .
Row 10: With White, ch 1, sc across, working 3 sc in corner, ch 1, turn.
Row 11: Sc across, 3 sc in corner. Add Red in last st. Drop white (Do not FO).
Repeat Rows 9 - 11: 3 times or until square is desired size.
Weave in all ends, block lightly.