Fallen Hero Square  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Fallen Hero Square:
Materials: RH Royal Blue, White, Cherry Red; Crochet hook Size H or size needed for gauge.
Square Size: 12 inch
Instructions: Joining new Color: At end of row work new color through last two loops of last st on row.
Round 1: With Color Royal Blue, Ch 4, Into first ch work ( 3 dc, ch 2) 4 times. Join with a sl st in top of ch 4. Sl st to next ch 2 sp.

Round 2: Ch 3, ( dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. * Dc in each dc across to next ch 2 sp. In corner ch 2 sp work ( 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc). Dc in each dc across. Continue from * around. Join with a sl st in top of ch 3. Sl st to next ch 2 sp..

Rounds 3 - 7: Repeat Round 2. FO Blue.
Round 1:
With White and Size H hook make loop, ch 1, 15 sc. Join with a sl st in first sc. Draw loop shut. Weave end securely with a tapestry needle.
Round 2:
* Ch 6, sl st in 2nd chain from hook. In next chs work sc, hdc, dc and trc. Sk 2 sts, sl st in next sc. Continue from * around. 5 star points. Leave a long tail for sewing. Sew star to center of blue square
Row 8: Join Red with a sl st in corner ch 2 sp. Ch 1, sc in same sp and in each st across to corner. Work 3 sc in corner, sc across to next corner, work sc, ch 1 turn.
Row 9: Sc across, working 3 sc in center sc of 3 sc. Sc across to last st. Drop Red. (Do not FO), join White in last part of last sc. .
Row 10: With White, ch 1, sc across, working 3 sc in corner, ch 1, turn.
Row 11: Sc across, 3 sc in corner. Add Red in last st. Drop white (Do not FO).
Repeat Rows 9 - 11: 3 times or until square is desired size.

Weave in all ends, block lightly.

Necklace & Earing Set  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Supplies:28 gauge jewelry wireSize 2 ( mm) steel crochet hook30 size 10 beads2 ear ringsnecklace claspSpecial Stitches:Beaded Chain (bch) – bring bead up against hook, YO, pull through loop on hook. Bead will be on the outside of the ch just made.Beaded Single Crochet (bsc) – insert hook in st indicated, YO, pull through st, bring bead up against hook, YO and complete as regular sc.Skill LevelEasy/Intermediate (this pattern is rated as Easy/Intermediate due to the fact that it uses wire and beads instead of yarn/thread. It uses simple stitches so once the technique of crochet with wire is gotten, the pattern is fairly easy to finish.
Earring (make 2)Rnd 1 – String 10 beads onto wire before beginning, ch 2, work 5 bsc in 2nd ch from hook.Rnd 2 – Sc in first bsc, ch 2, work bch, ch 2, sc in next bsc, * ch 2, work bch, ch 2, sc in next bsc from Rnd 1, repeat from * around, sc in first sc to join.Fasten off with wire cutters about 2” from flower. Weave end through loop on earring and in last sc completed on flower several times. Fasten off with wire cutters and pinch end in so it cannot cut anyone.Repeat for second earring.
NecklaceSide 1 – String 10 beads onto wire before beginning, leaving a 2” tail ch 52.Rnd 1 (of flower) – 5 bsc in 2nd ch from hook.Rnd 2 (of flower) - Sc in first bsc, ch 2, work bch, ch 2, sc in next bsc, * ch 2, work bch, ch 2, sc in next bsc from Rnd 1, repeat from * around, sc in first sc to join.Side 2 – Ch 50.Fasten off with wire cutters about 2” from last ch. Weave both ends through loops on clasp and in last ch completed on necklace several times. Fasten off with wire cutters and pinch ends in so they cannot cut anyone.
I found this one on the Internet and Fell in love with the design. I hope you enjoy the pattern. And Let me know how it turned out for you! -Rae Byuel

My Own Projects  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

I started this project with a simple shawl pattern. but once i got started I decided to change somethings. lol. I added extra rows, i added stripes,and fringe.

If you would like this Pattern, Please leave me a comment. -Rae Byuel

Gauge & Making a Swatch  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Gauge is very important in crochet if you are making garments or fitted items such as hats, mittens, slippers or socks. Before beginning a project, make a swatch to check gauge using the yarn and the hook size called for in the directions. Yarns can be substituted for another, however be certain the substitute yarn produces the correct gauge and the look you want.Making a
Swatch: Start with a chain about four inches long and work the swatch in the pattern stitch of the item, until it measures about three inches deep. Fasten Off. Block the swatch by smoothing it out, pinning it down at the edges and steam-pressing it with a damp cloth.
Measure across two inches, counting the number of stitches to the inch. If you have MORE stitches to the inch than directions call for, your work is too tight. You may want to use a larger hook or work more loosely, however it is much easier (for consistency sake), to simply change hook size. If you have FEWER stitches to the inch, your work is too loose. Try using a smaller hook or crochet more tightly (again, you may prefer changing to a smaller hook).

Pin Wheel square  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Materials: RH 4 ply Color A = Aran, Color B = Country Blue, Color C = Country Rose; Crochet Hook: Size F and E or size needed for gauge. Size G for edging.
Gauge: Each Square = 6" Note: Skill level: Intermediate.
Blocking: Block lightly and briefly with a warm damp pressing cloth on the reverse side of the square with a med-hot iron.
Pattern Stitches: 2 dc cluster (2 dc cl) Holding last loop on hook for each dc, dc in last st of first triangle, and in first st of next triangle, yo and draw through all 3 loops on hook.
With Color A and size F hook, ch 4, join with a sl st.
Round 1:
Ch 1, 16 sc. Join with a sl st. FO Color A
Round 2:
Attach Color C in any st, ch 1, sc in same sp, (ch 11, sk 1, sc in next st.) Continue around, end ch 11, sk 1, sl st in first sc with a sl st in first sc. (eight ch 11 loops).

Round 3:
Ch 1, sc in same st. working in back loops only, sc in next 5 chs, 3 sc in next chain, sc in next 5 chs. Working in both loops, sc in next sc. Working in back loops only, and both loops in sc between triangles, continue around. Join with a sl st in first sc. FO Color C.
Round 4:
With Color A join in sc between triangles, ch 1, sc in same st working in both loops, working in back loops, sc in 6 st., 3 sc in next st, sc in next 6 st. Sc in both loops of next sc. Continue around. Join with a sl st.
Round 5:
Ch 1, sc in sc, working in back loops, only sc in 7 st, 3 sc in next st, sc in 7 st cont. FO Color A

Round 6:
With size F hook join Color B with a sl st in both loops of sc between triangles, ch 1, sc in same st, sc in back loop only of next 8 st, 3 sc in next st, sc in next 8 st, sc in both loops of sc. Continue around. FO Color B.

Round 7:
With right side of square facing up fold triangles over- right over left, working in both loops, With color A join w/sl st in 4th st before corner. Ch 1, and sc in same st. (working on what formerly was backside of work,) and in next 3 st. 3sc in corner, sc in next 4 st. Work next 4 sc in next triangle in same manner, 3 sc in corner, sc in next 4 st. Continue around. Join with a sl st. 8 pointed star. FO Color A
Round 8:
Working in back ridge of each st with Size E, join with Color C in any corner, 3 sc. Work 2 sc, hdc, dc, work dc cl, dc, sl st, ch 3, sk next 5 st, sl st, dc, 2dc cl, dc, hdc, 2sc, 3 sc in corner. continue around. Join w/ sl st. FO Color C
Round 9:
Join Color B with size G hook in both loops, *work 3 sc in corner, sc in next 8 sts, 4 sc in ch 3 sp, sc in next 8sts. Continue from * around.

Finish off and weave in all ends.
The secret to folding the Pinwheel star is to fold each "star petal triangle" (the area between two sc's worked in both loops) separately. Work only on one at a time. You sort of twist the "petal" around, forming a little pocket on both the front and the back of your work. The very tip of the triangle is where you put your 4 sc, 3 sc in next st, 4 sc. This triangle tip is actually the "wrong" side of what you had been working on, while the pinwheel remains the front side. You then fold the next "star petal triangle", and work in the next triangle tip. If you've done it correctly, the blue row will look like the one in the picture. /\ /\ /\ <----- start here and work around. This is all you need to secure the "star petal triangles" together. When completed, you should have what looks like an actual pinwheel in the center, with the open pockets, surrounded by an 8 sided star.

Crochet Wire Necklace  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

20 ch=4".
Materials needed:

Artbead's Silver Wire (28-gauge; half-hard sterling; each spool approx 1 oz/28.5 g; 111ft/34 m) 1 Spool

Artbeads's Crystal Bicone

20 beads of each of the 4 different Beads u choose

Crochet Hook, size B/1 (2.25mm)

2 silver spacer beads(3 mm)

2 silver crimp beads

2 silver clamp-on bead tips

2 silver jump rings

1 silver toggle clasp

Crimping pliers

Wire Cutter


strand (Make 1 with each color bead) Prethread 20 beads of a single color onto wire.

Leaving a 6" tail, *Ch. 3, bead ch. Repeat from* 19 more times, ending with ch.3

Leaving a 6" tail, Fasten off


Holding all 4 strands tog in your free hand, thread 1 silver spacer bead onto the 4 strands.

Thread 1 bead tip through its timy thread hole (with its open clamshell facing away from the crocheted chains) onto all 4 strands.

Thread 1 crimp bead onto all 4strands.

Move these jewelry findings as close as possible to the crocheted chains.

Using crimping tool, crimp the crimp bead.

Rim wire.

Tightly enclose the compressed crimp bead inside the hinged clamshell part of the ead tip.

Put 1 jump ring onto the open hook, ten close the hook.

Put 1 piece of necklace clasp onto the open jump ring. Close the jump ring.

Repeat for other side of necklace.

Let me know how it turns out for you! -Rae Byuel


Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

"I Love the USA" Crochet Square:

Materials: I hook; Red, white, and blue worsted weight yarn
Instructions: With Red, ch 4, join to form a loop
Round 1: Ch 4 (counts as dc and ch 1), dc, ch 1 7 times, join.
Round 2: Ch 6, dc in next dc, ch 3 around.
Round 3: ch 3, 2 dc in same st, ch 3, sc, in next dc, ch 3, [3 dc in next dc, ch 3, (sc, ch 3 in next dc)] 3 times, join to top of beg ch 3. (4 3dc groups)
Round 4: ch 3, dc in same st, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc, [ch 4, sc in next sc, ch 4, 2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc] 3 times, ch 4, sc in next sc, ch 2, hdc in top of beg ch 3 to join.
Round 5: Sl st around hdc just made, [skip next dc, 3 dc in next dc, sl st in next dc, 3 dc in next dc, sk dc, sl st in next ch 3 sp, ch 5, sl st in next sp] 4 times, join. Finish Off Red.
Round 6: Join white to any heart center st, ch 5 (counts as trc, ch1), (trc, ch 1) 2 times, tcr once more (corner made), [+ch 3, sc in space of round 4, ch 2, working in front of ch 5 loop, work 3 trc in sc of round 4, ch 2, sc in loop on round 4, ch 3+, (trc&ch1 three times, trc) corner made] 3 times, and + to + once more, join with slst in 4th ch of beg ch 5.
Round 7: Ch 3, dc in next sp, ch 1, [(dc, ch 1) 4 times in corner, dc in next sp, dc in next dc, ch 2, 3 dc in next trc, 2 dc in next trc, 3 dc in next trc, ch 2, dc in next dc, dc in next sp, ch 1] Repeat from [ to ] around. Join with sl st in top of beg ch 3
Round 8: Ch 3, [(dc in next dc, dc in next sp) twice, ch 1, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in corner, ch 1, (dc in next sp, dc in next dc) twice, dc in next st, ch 2, sc in ch 2 sp, sk 2 dc, 5 dc in next dc, sc between next 2 st, 5 dc in next dc, skip next 2 dc, sc in space, ch 2, dc in next dc] around, Join with sl st in top of beg ch 3. Finish off White.
Round 9: Join blue to any corner (ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2dc) in corner, skip next 2 dc, [ch 1,dc in next sp, dc in next 5 dc, ch 2, sc in middle dc of first shell, ch 1, hdc in sc, ch 1, sc in middle dc of 2nd shell, ch 2, dc in next 5 dc, dc in sp, ch 1, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner] Repeat from [ to ] around. Join with slst to top of beg ch 3.
Round 10: Sl st in dc and space, (ch 3, dc, ch 2 2dc) in corner, [*ch 1, dc in each st and space across making last dc in 1st dc of corner (23 dc), ch 1*, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in corner] 3 times, and * to * once more. Join.
Round 11: Sl st to corner, (ch 3, dc, ch 2 2dc) in corner, [*ch 1, skip dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next space, dc in next dc (ch 1, skip dc, dc in next dc) 11 times, ch 1, sk next sp, dc in next dc, ch 1*, skip dc, (2dc, ch 2 2dc) in corner] 3 times, and * to * once more. Join.
Round 12: Sl st to corner, (ch 3, dc, ch 2 2dc) in corner, [*ch 1, skip dc, dc in each dc and sp till last dc (31 dc), ch 1, sk next dc*, (2dc, ch 2, 2dc) in corner] 3 times, and * to * once more. Join, finish off. Weave in ends.

What do I do when my Rows get Narrower?  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S. in

Here's a way to stop that row from getting narrower: If you find that the item you're making gets narrower as you go along, you are probably missing a crochet stitch in the last stitch of each row (a common beginner mistake). Try counting stitches for awhile and you'll know if you are ending up with one less stitch on every row. Then you can correct that by making a special note to notice what the last stitch of the row should look like and being careful to crochet into that last stitch of the row each time.

Love Crochet  

Posted by: G.R.I.T.S.

Hello all who see this Blog, I created this Blog to share my Love for crochet. It maybe a little while before this site is really up and going, but I hope you will wait it out with me.
I started crocheting about 4 years ago, and I fell in love with it on the spot. Since then I have been crocheting when ever I have a chance.